
A cartesian plane widget for displaying graphical information.

  • Author(s): Jose David M.

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class displayio_cartesian.Cartesian(background_color: int = 0, xrange: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 100), yrange: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 100), axes_color: int = 16777215, axes_stroke: int = 1, tick_color: int = 16777215, major_tick_stroke: int = 1, major_tick_length: int = 5, tick_label_font=<fontio.BuiltinFont object>, font_color: int = 16777215, pointer_radius: int = 1, pointer_color: int = 16777215, subticks: bool = False, nudge_x: int = 0, nudge_y: int = 0, verbose: bool = False, fill_area: bool = False, **kwargs)

A cartesian widget. The origin is set using x and y.

  • x (int) – x position of the plane origin

  • y (int) – y position of the plane origin

  • background_color (int) – background color to use defaults to black (0x000000)

  • width (int) – requested width, in pixels.

  • height (int) – requested height, in pixels.

  • xrange ((int, int)) – X axes range. Defaults to (0, 100)

  • yrange ((int, int)) – Y axes range. Defaults to (0, 100)

  • axes_color (int) – axes lines color defaults to white (0xFFFFFF)

  • axes_stroke (int) – axes lines thickness in pixels defaults to 2

  • major_tick_stroke (int) – tick lines thickness in pixels defaults to 1

  • major_tick_length (int) – tick lines length in pixels defaults to 5

  • tick_label_font (terminalio.FONT) – tick label text font

  • font_color (int) – font color. Defaults to white (0xFFFFFF)

  • pointer_radius (int) – pointer radius in pixels defaults to 1

  • pointer_color (int) – pointer color. Defaults to white (0xFFFFFF)

  • subticks (bool) – inclusion of subticks in the plot area. Default to False

  • nudge_x (int) – movement in pixels in the x direction to move the origin. Defaults to 0

  • nudge_y (int) – movement in pixels in the y direction to move the origin. Defaults to 0

  • verbose (bool) – print debugging information in some internal functions. Default to False

Quickstart: Importing and using Cartesian

Here is one way of importing the Cartesian class so you can use it as the name Plane:

from displayio_cartesian import Cartesian as Plane

Now you can create a plane at pixel position x=20, y=30 using:

my_plane=Plane(x=20, y=30) # instance the plane at x=20, y=30

Once you setup your display, you can now add my_plane to your display using:

display.show(my_plane) # add the group to the display

If you want to have multiple display elements, you can create a group and then append the plane and the other elements to the group. Then, you can add the full group to the display as in this example:

my_plane= Plane(20, 30) # instance the plane at x=20, y=30
my_group = displayio.Group() # make a group
my_group.append(my_plane) # Add my_plane to the group

# Append other display elements to the group

display.show(my_group) # add the group to the display

Summary: Cartesian Features and input variables

The Cartesian widget has some options for controlling its position, visible appearance, and scale through a collection of input variables:

  • position: x, y, anchor_point, anchored_position and nudge_x, nudge_y. Nudge parameters are used to account for the float and int conversions required to display different ranges and values. Conversion are required as displays work in integers and not floats

  • size: width and height

  • color: axes_color, font_color, tick_color, pointer_color

  • background color: background_color

  • linewidths: axes_stroke and major_tick_stroke

  • range: xrange and yrange This is the range in absolute units. For example, when using (20-90), the X axis will start at 20 finishing at 90. However the height of the graph is given by the height parameter. The scale is handled internal to provide a 1:1 experience when you update the graph.

Diagram of the cartesian widget with the pointer in motion.

This is a diagram of a cartesian widget with the pointer moving in the plot area.

Diagram of the cartesian widget zones.

This is a diagram of a cartesian widget showing the different zones.

Diagram of the cartesian widget localisation.

This is a diagram of a cartesian widget showing localisation scheme.

  • scale (int) – Scale of layer pixels in one dimension.

  • x (int) – Initial x position within the parent.

  • y (int) – Initial y position within the parent.

update_pointer(x: int, y: int) None

updater_pointer function helper function to update pointer in the plane :param int x: x coordinate in the local plane :param int y: y coordinate in the local plane :return: None

property fill_area: bool

Whether the area under the graph (integral) should be shaded

add_plot_line(x: int, y: int) None

add_plot_line function.

add line to the plane. multiple calls create a line-plot graph.

  • x (int) – x coordinate in the local plane

  • y (int) – y coordinate in the local plane



property anchor_point

The anchor point for positioning the widget, works in concert with anchored_position The relative (X,Y) position of the widget where the anchored_position is placed. For example (0.0, 0.0) is the Widget’s upper left corner, (0.5, 0.5) is the Widget’s center point, and (1.0, 1.0) is the Widget’s lower right corner.


anchor_point (Tuple[float, float]) – In relative units of the Widget size.

property anchored_position

The anchored position (in pixels) for positioning the widget, works in concert with anchor_point. The anchored_position is the x,y pixel position for the placement of the Widget’s anchor_point.


anchored_position (Tuple[int, int]) – The (x,y) pixel position for the anchored_position (in pixels).

append(layer: Union[displayio._group.Group, displayio._tilegrid.TileGrid]) None

Append a layer to the group. It will be drawn above other layers.

property bounding_box

The boundary of the widget. [x, y, width, height] in Widget’s local coordinates (in pixels). (getter only)


Tuple[int, int, int, int]

property height

The widget height, in pixels. (getter only)



property hidden: bool

True when the Group and all of it’s layers are not visible. When False, the Group’s layers are visible if they haven’t been hidden.

index(layer: Union[displayio._group.Group, displayio._tilegrid.TileGrid]) int

Returns the index of the first copy of layer. Raises ValueError if not found.

insert(index: int, layer: Union[displayio._group.Group, displayio._tilegrid.TileGrid]) None

Insert a layer into the group.

pop(index: int = - 1) Union[displayio._group.Group, displayio._tilegrid.TileGrid]

Remove the ith item and return it.

remove(layer: Union[displayio._group.Group, displayio._tilegrid.TileGrid]) None

Remove the first copy of layer. Raises ValueError if it is not present.

resize(new_width, new_height)

Resizes the widget dimensions (for use with automated layout functions).

IMPORTANT: The resize function should be overridden by the subclass definition.

The width and height are provided together so the subclass resize function can apply any constraints that require consideration of both width and height (such as maintaining a Widget’s preferred aspect ratio). The Widget should be resized to the maximum size that can fit within the dimensions defined by the requested new_width and new_height. After resizing, the Widget’s bounding_box should also be updated.

  • new_width (int) – target maximum width (in pixels)

  • new_height (int) – target maximum height (in pixels)



property scale: int

Scales each pixel within the Group in both directions. For example, when scale=2 each pixel will be represented by 2x2 pixels.

sort(key: Callable, reverse: bool) None

Sort the members of the group.

property width

The widget width, in pixels. (getter only)



property x: int

X position of the Group in the parent.

property y: int

Y position of the Group in the parent.

clear_plot_lines(palette_index: int = 5) None

clear_plot_lines function.

clear all added lines (clear line-plot graph)


palette_index (int) – color palett index. Defaults to 5



Inheritance diagram of displayio_cartesian